Have your say on the Treaty Principles Bill

Speak up for Te Tiriti o Waitangi by making a submission before 1pm on Tuesday 14th January 2025.

The government has introduced the Treaty Principles Bill, and has re-opened public submissions until 1pm on Tues 14 January. This Bill would undermine Māori rights under Te Tiriti and destabilise our relationships even further. As followers of Jesus from across Aotearoa New Zealand we express our commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi, and our concern at the Treaty Principles Bill.

These submission resources make it easy for you to have your say.

Before making a submission, we invite you to watch this 5 minute video outlining Church leaders’ key concerns about the Treaty Principles Bill.

How to make a submission

Use our submission guides to write your submission direct onto the Parliament website.

It is now too late to send a hard-copy submission by post. If you live in Wellington, you can hand-deliver deliver your submission to Parliament Buildings before 1pm on Tuesday 14 January.

More detailed resources

To learn more or help educate your friends, church or networks:

  • See this 8 minute video on the Treaty Principles Bill from Dr Carwyn Jones, Head Lecturer for Māori Laws and Philosophy at Te Wānanga o Raukawa.